Presented by:


Gavin M. Roy

AWeber Communications

Gavin M. Roy is the VP of Architecture at AWeber. With over 25 years of experience in the Internet industry, Gavin is responsible for the technical architecture and operational stability of several large-scale web properties. He is the author of “RabbitMQ in Depth,” and actively contributes to several open source projects and communities, including Erlang, Python, PostgreSQL, and RabbitMQ. Gavin is a member of several professional organizations, including the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation (EEF), Python Software Foundation (PSF), and the IEEE.

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RabbitMQ is a complete and highly reliable enterprise messaging system based on the AMQP standard. By leveraging PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ together you can create complex event-based systems that synchronize data, provide notification mechanisms for loosely-coupled systems and much more. In this talk we will review how RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL can play together using a variety of technologies including pg_amqp and RabbitMQ's plugin system. By hooking in to PostgreSQL events using triggers or notifications, messages can be pumped to RabbitMQ and distributed to any number of connected clients. Leveraging the RabbitMQ plugin system, messages flowing through RabbitMQ can automatically be stored in PostgreSQL as "built-in" behavior for your messaging architecture.

30 min
PGConf NYC 2014 [PgConf.US]