Intro to PostgreSQL Security
Presented by:

Stephen Frost
Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc.
Stephen Frost is the Chief Technology Officer for Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc.
Stephen is a PostgreSQL Committer and Major Contributor, his previous work has included implementing the role system in 8.1 (replacing the previous user/group system), column-level privileges in 8.4 and improvements to PL/pgSQL.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
Review of the PostgreSQL Authorization system, including roles and the GRANT/REVOKE system. We'll also cover various per-role options including the superuser flag and what a superuser can do that normal users can't (and why superuser is particularly dangerous...).
- Date:
- Duration:
- 30 min
- Room:
- Conference:
- PGConf NYC 2014 [PgConf.US]
- Language:
- Track:
- Security
- Difficulty:
- Medium