Presented by:

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Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc.

Joshua (JD) Drake is the President and CTO of Command Prompt, Inc., the oldest Postgres Company. He is also the Founder and Co-Chair of Postgres Conference (PostgresConf), the largest non-profit Postgres Community and Ecosystem conference. The founder of United States PostgreSQL (PgUS) and a Director for PgCentral, Inc. He has been using, deploying and extending PostgreSQL and related technologies since 1997.

No video of the event yet, sorry!

This half day training is fresh from being sold out at Fully updated with a comprehensive look at Point in Time Recovery and ZFS snapshots we will focus purely on the backup and restore of your data with PostgreSQL. In this training you will learn the nuances of PostgreSQL's built in backup and restore capabilities as well as external abilities brought about by technologies such as snapshots and pgBackrest. There will be instruction on pg_dump/all and restore including a full understanding of the different backup/restore formats, when to use them and how to reduce potential production issues running long backups. Lastly, the students will be shown how to use basebackups, PITR as well as filesystem snapshots and other well known utilities to properly manage the Elephant's data.

30 min
PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]