The Future of MySQL is Postgres
Presented by:

Jonah Harris
Jonah is a long-time developer focused on database internals, high-performance systems, compatibility methods, network protocols, and near-real-time machine learning optimizations. He specializes in data structures, algorithms, and software optimization. In addition to being a recognized expert in Oracle Database, he is also a longstanding PostgreSQL contributor who has served as the CTO of MariaDB (NYSE) and The Meet Group (NASDAQ), and was a founding engineer at EnterpriseDB.

Mason Sharp
Mason Sharp has been actively involved in open source database development for two decades, with a special interest in distributed databases, compatibility, and data privacy and security.
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Syntax discrepancies. Data type mismatches. Application rewrites. These daunting pain points are faced by every developer and DBA considering a migration between database vendors. In this session, we'll dive into a revolutionary PostgreSQL extension that directly addresses these challenges, positioning PostgreSQL as the future of MySQL.
Much like AWS Babelfish for SQL Server, this extension offers native performance advantages and transparency to MySQL applications, reshaping how we think about database compatibility and migration. We will explore how this extension makes PostgreSQL a drop-in replacement for MySQL, effectively transforming the MySQL experience. By enabling a seamless migration pathway, the extension eliminates the need for extensive application rewrites and complex database reconfigurations, often the bane of traditional migration efforts.
Attendees will learn how to effortlessly integrate their application's MySQL-specific syntax and functionalities within the PostgreSQL environment, thus removing typical migration barriers. We will also showcase how the extension preserves the simplicity and familiarity of MySQL while unlocking PostgreSQL's advanced capabilities and ecosystem. This session will be a revelation for database administrators and software developers. It's an invitation to experience a hassle-free migration path, offering a unique blend of MySQL's operational ease with the enriched features and scalability of PostgreSQL.
Join us to discover why the future of MySQL is indeed PostgreSQL, and how this extension is not just a bridge between two database systems but a gateway to a new era of database technology and performance, offering new freedom for MySQL applications and moving them in a direction truly liberated from Oracle's control.
- Date:
- 2024 April 19 12:00 PDT
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- San Pedro
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference 2024
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Dev
- Difficulty:
- Intermediate