Presented by:

Rajan Palanivel
I have been with Baffle for the past 8 years and heading their engineering team. Before Baffle, I was with Intel. My background is systems and security.
Companies get significant business value out of the data they’ve collected. But, they are facing challenges with staying compliant with data privacy regulations while processing and analyzing the data in Postgres.
Typically, privileged database users have cleartext access to regulated data, in violation of compliance regulations. But, Postgres doesn’t provide all of the capabilities necessary to give privileged users operational access to the database but not cleartext access to regulated data. In addition, application data is used downstream for analytics and other projects. Without the proper controls, there is increased risk of data leakage or a breach as it moves from system to system.
The solution is cryptographic protection that follows regulated data while allowing any and all analytical and operational computations on the data.
In this talk, learn how:
- the combination of a SQL proxy and a PL/Rust Postgres extension can enable operations on encrypted data without the use of specialty solutions with hardware enclaves, such as Intel SGX
- the development of pg_tle brings this capability to manage databases in the cloud
- all of the capabilities can be implemented quickly and without any code changes
- Date:
- 2024 April 18 14:00 PDT
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Winchester
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference 2024
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Dev
- Difficulty:
- Advanced