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Ibrar Ahmed


Ibrar Ahmed is a seasoned Principal Engineer at pgEdge, bringing a wealth of experience in software design and development to the world of open source. With a strong background in system-level embedded development, Ibrar has honed his expertise over the years with renowned PostgreSQL companies such as EnterpriseDB, Percona, and Bitnine.

Having embarked on his journey with PostgreSQL since 2006, Ibrar has become intricately involved in the core engine of PostgreSQL, making significant contributions to its evolution. From spearheading major performance enhancements to refining various PostgreSQL modules, his dedication to advancing the platform has left an indelible mark on the PostgreSQL community.

Beyond PostgreSQL, Ibrar's proficiency extends to a multitude of databases, including MySQL, Oracle, and cutting-edge NoSQL technologies like MongoDB and Hadoop. His expertise isn't confined solely to databases; he possesses adeptness with related tools such as Hive, HBase, and Spark, seamlessly integrating them with PostgreSQL to unlock new possibilities in data management and analytics.

Recognized for his depth of knowledge and insight, Ibrar has authored multiple authoritative books on PostgreSQL and is a highly regarded blogger within the PostgreSQL community, sharing valuable insights and best practices with a global audience. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Ibrar Ahmed continues to drive forward the boundaries of database technology, shaping the future of data management in the digital age. He gave more than fifteen PostgreSQL talks in the last one year in various parts of the World (PostgreConf-EU, PostgreConf-ASIA, PostgreConf-NY, Percona Lives, etc ). He also authored multiple books on PostgreSQL.

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Unraveling Multi-Master Replication in PostgreSQL: Architectures and Solutions

Abstract: PostgreSQL, one of the world’s most advanced open-source relational database management systems, has undergone significant evolution over the years, with its vast ecosystem continuously expanding to meet the diverse needs of the modern digital age. One area that has captured significant attention is database replication, specifically multi-master replication (MMR). In this presentation, we delve deep into the intricacies of multi-master replication in PostgreSQL, shedding light on both the underlying architecture and the various existing solutions that have been developed to facilitate this complex task.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding MMR: Gain a comprehensive understanding of what multi-master replication is, the challenges associated with it, and the scenarios where it is most beneficial.

Architectural Overview: Discover the architectural principles behind MMR in PostgreSQL, and how these guide the creation and operation of highly available, distributed systems.

Existing Solutions in the Spotlight: Examine the current state-of-the-art solutions available within the PostgreSQL ecosystem, such as pgEdge(spock), BDR (Bi-Directional Replication), and Postgres-XL. We will evaluate their strengths, limitations, and best-use cases.

Performance and Conflict Management: Unpack the issues related to conflict resolution in MMR environments, alongside strategies to ensure optimal performance without compromising data integrity.

Future Prospects: Get a glimpse of the evolving landscape of multi-master replication in PostgreSQL, exploring upcoming features, community contributions, and what the future might hold for distributed database systems.

2024 April 18 11:10 PDT
50 min
San Pedro
Postgres Conference 2024