We like to Move it, Move it!: Migrating production systems between databases
Presented by:

Tim Steward
Tim Steward is a Principal Enterprise Data Architect at Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres with over 30 years of database experience. During this time, he has developed a true passion for databases, and the evolution of technology. Tim enjoys the excitement he receives by knowing he helped a customer solve complex IT challenges by using his knowledge of database technology. Fresh out of college, Tim became an Oracle DBA within the fundraising industry, which is where he learned to pay attention to details and be an effective listener. As his career evolved, he became a consultant within the healthcare industry where he expanded his database skills to Sybase. During his consulting years, Tim added SQL Server and the MySQL database to his skill set. In recent years Tim has spent the past 7 years helping customers with PostgreSQL and their journey to opensource.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
If like most developers, you are using a relational database as part of your digital landscape, then you will likely be required to manage the migration of data from a legacy system to a new platform at some point.
Data migration can be a lot more complicated than you expect. Poor planning, making too many assumptions, and a lack of testing are just SOME of the reasons why a data migration may fail, causing costly disruption to the business. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
In this thorough presentation, our expert Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres representative will share fail proof tips for minimizing risks for a successful PostgreSQL migration whatever the scenario or challenge might be, including;
- The importance of a forming a migration strategy roadmap (that can be repeated for future migrations in a controlled way)
- New Platform Migrations
- Updating a Legacy Application
- How to deal with poorly documented legacy systems
- Changing vendor arrangements and business requirements
- How to avoid extended downtime
- Date:
- 2024 April 19 10:00 PDT
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Winchester
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference 2024
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Ops
- Difficulty:
- Easy