Presented by:

Hans j rgen sch nig

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH

Hans-Jürgen Schönig has been a PostgreSQL expert and database specialist since the 90s. He is CEO and technical lead of CYBERTEC, which is one of the database market leaders worldwide and has served countless customers around the globe since the year 2000.As CEO of CYBERTEC, Hans-Jürgen Schönig regularly advises customers in database services and creates individual concepts tailored to each client’s needs. Additionally, he regularly gives training on PostgreSQL Advanced Optimization & Performance Tuning, PostgreSQL for Business Intelligence and Mass Data Analysis, PostgreSQL Replication Professional and Linux for PostgreSQL DBAs - just to name a few.

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Kubernetes is a great place to run many services that requires automatisation and scale. By running Postgresql database on Kubernetes one can create uniformly managed, claud-native deployments with the flexibility to deploy postgresql as a service. Operator allows you to provide additional cotext to manage stateful application. An Operator also helps us with actions including provisioning, scaling, high availability and user management. Let's explore how to provision PostgreSQL up and running on Kubernetes.

Introduction to Kubernetes Kubernetes architecture Kubernetes objects and workloads Introduction to Operator Architecture of operator features of operator Deploying a Postgresql cluster Adding and removing Postgresql node Demonstration of failover Changing PostgreSQL configuration Managing Database users Backup and Restore

4 h 30 min
Postgres Digital Training Series
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