Conference Highlights

Feb 01 Ryan Booz

Store and analyze petabyte-scale time-series data with PostgreSQL & TimescaleDB

Time-series data is everywhere (really!), and it’s uniquely challenging for several reasons: it comes at an ever-increasing rate, is INSERT heavy, and often consumes lots of compute and storage resources that can be difficult to manage. For the last decade, NoSQL databases have been many folks’ go-to technology for handling the deluge, but this came at the expense of efficient, relational queries. Being able to store this data in a relational database - and PostgreSQL in particular -...

Feb 16 Javier Arao Toyohara

CRUD functions generator tool

Functions represent an efficient and secure method to manage CRUD operations in database applications. A CRUD function encapsulates data complexity and provides a standard technique to work with data access methods. Developers invest significant time and effort to write CRUD functions in a standardize style. This proposal aims to present a tool to generate essential CRUD functions to aid PostgreSQL's developers to standardize coding style and simplify the time to analyze table...
