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South Africa 2021

The forth South African PostgresConf conference takes place online on 5 October 2021, with attendees representing a diverse class of professionals and companies from around the country and across the continent. This is an excellent opportunity for the database administration and developer community who use PostgreSQL to get to know each other, exchange ideas and learn about the current features and upcoming trends within PostgreSQL.

Open Source Week

Open Source Week brings 3 conferences together in the same week, with PostgresConf South Africa 2021 taking place the day after LinuxConf [ZA] 2021 and before PyConZA 2021, the Python programming conference and a shared workshop/tutorial day on the Wednesday.


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If you have any questions about the conference, please send us an email to





SouthAfrica2021 has the most awesome program ever! See rock-star speakers cover the topics of


Routing with PostGIS and OpenStreetMap by Ryan Lambert