Enterprise-class data security for Postgres - A review of the options
Presented by:

Billy VanCannon
Billy VanCannon has over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity. This includes network and software security, public-key infrastructure, and identity and access management. He is currently the Director of Product Management at Baffle, where we work to make encryption easy. Billy has an BS in electrical engineering, an MBA at Northwestern's Kellogg school of management and is CISSP certified.

Min-Hank Ho
Min-Hank Ho leads the Product Management team at Baffle. Previously, he led development of the Advanced Security Option for the Oracle database and was one of the original engineer for Transparent Data Encryption.
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With the rapid adoption of cloud infrastructure and managed database services, PostgreSQL has seen a growth in popularity, in no small part, due to companies transitioning their IT systems to make use of cloud infrastructure. In the cloud is where Postgres’ enterprise-ready feature set and flexible open source licensing makes it an ideal choice as a cloud database platform or managed database service.
As more applications and their data are moved to Postgres, companies should give careful consideration to securing that data so that data privacy and security compliance requirements are met. In fact, when compared to legacy enterprise databases such as Oracle and MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL is missing key features (such as TDE). The good news is that there are a number of initiatives, both open and closed source, to address these gaps.
In this session, we’ll take a closer look at some of the data security options available as well as their pros and cons. The options include:
- Postgres native access controls
- Database encryption (pg_crypto)
- Anonymization & Data Masking for Postgres
- Application-level data protection
- Date:
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference 2025
- Language:
- Track:
- Essentials
- Difficulty:
- Easy