Since you haven't specified the format in which you want to download Pathaan 2023, here are the steps on how to download it in the most common formats:

Downloading Pathaan 2023 in MP4 format:

  1. Go to Movieswood and search for Pathaan 2023.
  2. Click on the "Download" button next to the movie title.
  3. Select the MP4 format from the list of available formats.
  4. Click on the "Download" button again to start the download.

Downloading Pathaan 2023 in HD format:

  1. Go to Movieswood and search for Pathaan 2023.
  2. Click on the "Download" button next to the movie title.
  3. Select the HD format from the list of available formats.
  4. Click on the "Download" button again to start the download.

Downloading Pathaan 2023 in Blu-ray format:

  1. Go to Movieswood and search for Pathaan 2023.
  2. Click on the "Download" button next to the movie title.
  3. Select the Blu-ray format from the list of available formats.
  4. Click on the "Download" button again to start the download.

Please note that the availability of different formats may vary depending on the region and subscription plan. If you are unable to find the desired format, you can contact Movieswood customer support for assistance. * Behance * Linktree * Storeboard * Telegram * Slides * Walkscore * GTA5-Mods * ESL Gaming * Credly * Ancient Origins * Diggerslist * Roll20 * PubPub * Tealfeed * AI.CEO * Metal Archives * Filmy4wap * Movieswood 2023 * 40 Billion * Artmight * Dev * How to Download Pathaan 2023 on MoviesWood 1Jee