Postgres Conference

Postgres World Webinar Series 2024

January 09 - December 20, 2024

N/A / United States


Conference poster

Postgres World Webinar Series 2024

January 09 - December 20, 2024

N/A / United States

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May 07, 2024

As part of the countdown to Postgres Conference 2024, learn more about the engaging content and our speakers for this year in our Speaker Spotlight Series. Chandra Pathivada is is a Senior Database Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with the AWS RDS team, focusing on Open Source database engines like RDS Postgre...

April 18, 2024

As part of the countdown to Postgres Conference 2024, learn more about the engaging content and our speakers for this year in our Speaker Spotlight Series. Silas Marvin is a founding software engineer at PostgresML, writes software for fun and a better future. Silas will present "RAG Masterclass: Simplify your data infrastructure with in-dat...

April 18, 2024

As part of the countdown to Postgres Conference 2024, learn more about the engaging content and our speakers for this year in our Speaker Spotlight Series. Robert Bernier is senior PostgreSQL consultant at Percona. Robert will present Working With The Citus Extension. Read what Robert has to say about Postgres and why to attend their session...

April 17, 2024

As part of the countdown to Postgres Conference 2024, learn more about the engaging content and our speakers for this year in our Speaker Spotlight Series. Dave Stokes is author of "MySQL & JSON - A Practical Programming Guide," and serves as a Technology Evangelist for Percona, advocating for MySQL innovation and best practices. Dave wi...

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Posted by Daniel Vérité on July 15, 2024

Posted by Tomas Vondra on July 15, 2024

Posted by Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum on July 15, 2024

Posted by Andrei Lepikhov on July 14, 2024

Posted by Andrew Atkinson on July 13, 2024

Posted by Christophe Pettus on July 10, 2024