Presented by:


Tom Kincaid


Tom in the General Manager for 2ndQuadrant in North America. He has been developing, deploying and supporting Database Systems and Enterprise Software for over 25 years. Tom had total product delivery ownership for the Progress OpenEdge platform which included a relational database deployed in thousands of systems and Enterprises all over the world. Tom was VP of Professional Services and later Vice President of products and engineering at EnterpriseDB. Responsibilities in his past include the management and maintenance of over 300 Postgres 24x7 database clusters. He has overseen the design and delivery of Postgres training solutions as well as the deployment of PostgreSQL at both Fortune 500 financial institutions and at military facilities all over the world. Teams he has managed have delivered major features that have become part of PostgreSQL. He overseen the design and and successful delivery of High Availability products for PostgreSQL and several other databases.

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This talk will give a short history of Postgres, speaking about its origins and it's original goals. It will then discuss the reasons for the rapid growth in adoption and development it has seen over the years. Finally, it will then discuss the opportunities and challenges that Postgres faces in the next 3-5 years. Sources and illustrations from this talk, will be based on interviews from active community members and from companies of all sizes who run their business on Postgres.

20 min
PostgresConf US 2018
Use Cases