Elegant Database Tuning
Presented by:

Scott Mead
Scott has been a PostgreSQL user, DBA, Developer & contributor for over 16 years. His focus is on production, his goal is to design systems allow for "always-on" maintenance and carrier-grade reliability.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
The pg_catalog provides in-depth details of how your datamodel is being used. Follow along as we cruise the catalog to learn which indexes are never used, which indexes are missing and where we have over-normalized. Knowing how to analyze your database workload will allow you to make critical performance adjustments, inform your postgresql.conf and build an intelligent vacuum strategy. Catalog cruising is easy once you know what you're looking for, come along for a nice afternoon cruise!
See the presentation on slideshare : https://www.slideshare.net/ScottMead3/elegant-database-tuning Get the associated SQL files (zipped) : https://tinyurl.com/y7f9xjtk
- Date:
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Conference:
- PostgresConf US 2018
- Language:
- true
- Track:
- Development
- Difficulty:
- Medium