How To Index Your Database
Presented by:

Baron Schwartz
Baron is the founder and CEO of VividCortex, the best way to see what your production database servers are doing. Baron has written a lot of open source software, and several books. He’s focused his career on learning and teaching about performance and observability of systems generally (including the view that teams are systems and culture influences their performance), and databases specifically.
Do you know what database indexes are and how they work? Do they seem hard to understand? They don't have to be. The basic principles you need to know are simple and easy to remember. And developers need to know the basics of indexing: your DBAs can't save you, because discovering you need an index after you deploy a feature is often too little, too late. This talk will give you the fundamentals without theory or lecturing. You’ll learn the three purposes of an index, the three characteristics of how a query plan uses indexes, and how to design indexes that are most likely to be optimal for general-purpose querying, whether or not you know all the queries and shape of the data.
- Date:
- 2018 April 20 12:50 EDT
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- America
- Conference:
- PostgresConf US 2018
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Development
- Difficulty:
- Medium