Presented by:

Sergey Shestakov
Serg is a founder of Luxms Group, holds PhD in Computer Science. He's interested in enterprise analytical solutions, ranging from data visualization to NLP text analytics. Has strong background in Banking and Telecommunications. Serg is responsible for technology partnerships related to Luxms BI, a PostgreSQL-based Business Intelligence tool. Serg is interested in overcoming Moore's law limitations by leveraging MPP architectures.
Dmitry Dorofeev
Dmitry started his Internet projects with HTML 1.0 and Bourne Shell CGI scripts back in 1990s. Later skills were improved with MySQL running on OpenBSD.
And there was Perl with PostgreSQL version 6, and then JavaScript, and many other languages.
Has built dozens of e-commerce sites and several native mobile applications. Architectured Luxms BI product which runs inside PostgreSQL.
Currently focusing on Big Data, Smart Data, IoT, CEP, In-memory and Stream data processing, MPP and everything related to modern data processing.
The rise of data-centric computing, NoSQL and newSQL databases with powerful scripting capabilities, popularity of REST API raise a question: is it feasible to serve clients directly from the DB, with REST API server residing inside the database? What would be the balance between data processing, application, and presentation logic for such a scenario on a server side and on a client side? How PostgreSQL performs when used as an application server?
Luckily, we have 2 real-world implementations of Luxms BI analytical platform based on 2-tier (PostgreSQL) and on 3-tierc architecture (Java app server+PostgreSQL) and can thoroughly compare them.
Our experience shows that despite popularity of 3-tier architectures, in-database application server approach delivers better performance in both throughput and latency in analytical client-server implementation.
What PostgreSQL and Greenplum can offer to the application developer today and in the near future?
We will share our experience with battle-tested product and future plans.
We will discuss things like code hot reloading, strongly typed data vs. JSON, FDW and calls to remote API, plv8 vs. PL/pgSQL, and MPP.
- Date:
- 2019 March 20 09:30 EDT
- Duration:
- 20 min
- Room:
- Riverside Suite
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference
- Language:
- Track:
- Development
- Difficulty:
- Medium