Presented by:

Robert treat chelnik square

Robert Treat

With almost two decades of building database-backed, mission critical web systems under his belt, Robert currently spends his days running US operations for credativ, an international provider of open source services and support. Both an author and speaker at conferences worldwide, Robert is a recognized expert within the industry on topics such as Open Source, databases, and managing operations at scale. He occasionally blogs at

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There are multiple paths towards DevOps nirvana, but all too many "digital transformations" overlook one of the most critical pieces of any companies infrastructure: the database. But for those involved in the area of database management, you can't ignore the changes DevOps is making in the tech industry, and you also can't close your eyes and just "sprinkle on the Kubernetes" and hope it all goes away. In this talk, we will walk you through some of the key components talked about by "DevOps folks", but through the lens of a data professional, so you can figure out what applies and what is just hype when it comes to managing your database systems in a DevOps oriented pipeline.

50 min
Postgres Conference 2020
Ops and Administration