Presented by:

Tatsuo Ishii
Tatsuo Ishii has been involved in PostgreSQL since it was born and is one of the PostgreSQL committers. His other favorite project is Pgpool-II, a clustering middle ware for PostgreSQL. He is working for SRA OSS, Inc. Japan as a branch manager.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
In this talk I would like to introduce the history of PostgreSQL: before it was born, how it was born and how it has evolved, being supported by many great contributors. I think this talk will be interesting for especially young PostgreSQL users who do not know the history of PostgreSQL.
This talk was first presented in 2017 in Japan for local PostgreSQL community. I will follow up the recent information to update the slide (and of course translate into English).
If you are interested, you can take a look at the original slide (written in Japanese)
- Date:
- 2020 November 19 10:00 CST
- Duration:
- 40 min
- Room:
- Virtual - English Main Conference
- Conference:
- CHINA 2020 And PGConf.Asia 2020
- Language:
- Track:
- Everything about Postgres
- Difficulty:
- Easy