Philly 2019 Program

presented by PostgresConf Organizers
04:00 - 05:00 Room

presented by Mehboob Alam
A look back at the last ten years, how Postgres has developed, technology-wise and adoption-wise. Some of Postgres's early design decisions have withstood the test of time and helped Postgres weather several generations of fashionable trends. The steady design directions of the core developers and focus on quality have given Postgres the reputation it has today, as the defacto enterprise open-s...
more 05:10 - 05:50 Room Ops
presented by Alexander Ioffe
SQL Queries can get large, really, really large. Typically this complexity is attacked using stacked SQL views or ORM frameworks like Hibernate, which both have major limitations. SQL itself has no objects so constructs more abstract than a View are unavailable, making programming graces like polymorphism all but a dream. ORM, on the other hand, comes at the cost of notorious impedance mismatch...
more 05:50 - 06:30 Room Dev
presented by Victoria McCormick
I have worked for many years as a SQL Server DBA. After being a SQL Server DBA for many years, I was asked to move my functions and processes over to support Postgres. In doing so, I must learn to transfer what knowledge and skills that I can, and rebuild what I can't. What do I lose, and how can I quickly gain the knowledge required to maintain a healthy database in Postgres.
06:40 - 07:20 Room Ops
A Strategic Approach
presented by John Ashmead
Depending on the project, debugging can take 50 to 90% of development time. But it usually gets less than 10% of the press. PostgreSQL has great tools for debugging, but they are most effective when deployed as part of an overall strategy.
We will look at strategies for debugging PostgreSQL: how to find bugs, how to fix them, and how to keep them from happening in the first place....
more 07:20 - 08:00 Room Dev
presented by PostgresConf Organizers
08:00 - 09:30 Room

presented by Matvey Arye
Time-series workloads (i.e. data from sensors, IoT devices, finance, or even satellites) are one of the fasting growing segments of the database market, spreading across industries and use cases. Today, many developers working with time-series data turn to NoSQL databases for storage with scale, and relational databases for managing associated metadata and key business data, yet this leads to e...
more 09:30 - 10:10 Room Dev
presented by Tom Hirata
Too often, people don’t know what data mean. Metadata repositories are incomplete or incomprehensible. Word-of-mouth is the de-facto repository. Effort and resources (a lot) are required to fix the problem. And both business and technical experts are needed. Informal “repositories” are no longer workable.
The emerging privacy regulations like CCPA and GDPR demand an inventory of data ...
more 10:10 - 10:50 Room Dev
presented by PostgresConf Organizers
10:50 - 11:10 Room

presented by Robert Treat
PostgreSQL is often thought of as "The Database for DBAs", but what more and more developers are finding out is that what makes Postgres "The Worlds Most Advanced Open Source Database" is its wide array of features, many of which are really geared towards users who want to build applications on top of Postgres.
In this talk, we'll look at some of the features in Postgres you may not have see...
more 11:10 - 11:50 Room Dev
Using SQL to Generate Fractals and Build a Programming Language
presented by Michael Malis
It's semi-common knowledge that Postgres' dialect of SQL is Turing complete. This means any program you can write in a general purpose programming language, you can also write in SQL.
In this talk we'll walk through how you can use various SQL features to do things you really shouldn't be able to. We will specifically look at:
- How you can write SQL queries to generate various kinds of f...

presented by PostgresConf Organizers
A series of quick 5 minute presentations on any subject that will interest the audience. Sign-ups will be taken throughout the day between other sessions and breaks.
12:30 - 13:30 Room