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Rajan palanivel portrait

Rajan Palanivel

I have been with Baffle for the past 8 years and heading their engineering team. Before Baffle, I was with Intel. My background is systems and security.

The popularity of PostgreSQL makes it the prime candidate to be the database for a multi-tenant SaaS. But with multi-tenancy there are two fundamental issues: How do you make sure that the tenant has control over their data in a third party SaaS environment? How do you make sure that the tenant’s data is isolated from each other so that a tenant’s data doesn’t get exposed to other tenants? Letting a tenant see another tenant’s data would be considered a data breach.

Logical databases is a capability supported by Postgres for multi-tenancy. But there are infrastructure and database inefficiencies with this model, so some SaaS providers use a single database with co-mingled tenant data.

In both the models (logical databases or a co-mingled database), there is a need to cryptographically isolate each tenant’s data from other tenants. In addition to data isolation, encrypting a tenant’s data with their own keys lets tenants take control of their data, even though it resides in a third party SaaS environment.

Database-level encryption (for logical databases) or Row-level encryption (for co-mingled databases) combined with BYOK/HYOK (sometimes called Multi-tenant BYOK/HYOK) keep each tenant’s data separate and give each tenant full control over their data. Tenants can also enable/disable their keys so that they have full control on data access.

In this webinar on using PostgreSQL in a multi-tenant SaaS, you will learn how to:

  • Compartmentalize each tenant’s data at the row or logical database level
  • Implement Multi-tenant BYOK easily, without any application changes
  • Centrally manage and define policies for keys

2024 May 22 13:00 EDT
1 h
PostgresWorld Zoom
Postgres World Webinar Series 2024
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