
Chris Casano has presented the following presentations

    Jim Walker Chris Casano Database Isolation Levels, Data Issues and Global Transaction Consistency at Postgres Webinar Series

    presented by Jim Walker and Chris Casano


    Dirty reads, phantom reads, write skew, ACID rain? These are all data concerns that are often overlooked, but can be very troubling and super expensive. Are you familiar with database isolation levels and how they can impact these data integrity?

    In this session, we walk through a definition of these potential data issues and then map them talk about database isolation levels. We will then...


    Wed 7 2020 Data
    Jim Walker Chris Casano Scaling PostgreSQL: Never Shard Again and Gain Effortless Scale at Postgres Webinar Series

    presented by Jim Walker and Chris Casano


    Sharding is how most of us scale Postgres. It works, however, it is not without its challenges. What key should we shard on? How big will my shards need to be? How will sharding affect performance? What application-level mods will need to happen? What happens if we need to re-shard the database?

    Automating the sharding process seems right. We should be able to define a shard and let the db t...


    Thu 25 2020 Case Study
    Chris Casano How to Deploy a SQL Database on Kubernetes at Postgres Webinar Series

    presented by Chris Casano


    CockroachDB was architected as a cloud-native database and is a perfect choice for your distributed applications and services that run on Kubernetes. Please join us for this webinar where we will provide a hands-on demo of running CockroachDB on Kubernetes. We will talk through:

    • How to use Persistent Volumes with each CockroachDB pod
    • How to use Replica Sets to manage the cluster
    • Atta...

    Wed 29 2020 Ops