Ashutosh Bapat
PostgreSQL hacker at 2ndQuadrant
Ashutosh Bapat has been working with database internal for over fifteen years. He is working with PostgreSQL for more than a decade now. He has contributed features like partition-wise join, advanced partition matching for partition-wise join, partition-wise aggregate, join and aggregate push-down for postgres_fdw. His proposal for atomic commit for FDW is being discussed on hackers. Recently he joined 2ndQuadrant where he is working with BDR and logical replication.
Ashutosh Bapat has presented the following presentations

divide and conquer comes to SQL
presented by Ashutosh Bapat
Introduced in PostgreSQL 10, partitioned tables are becoming a main stream feature of PostgreSQL. When combined with FDW esp. postgres_fdw, these two technologies form a base for distributed query processing in a sharded setup.
Partitioned table distribute the data into smaller chunks or when coupled with FDW they distribute the data across multiple servers. PostgreSQL's query optimizer take...
more Thu 19 2020 Performance