Biren Shah
Senior Database Reliability Engineer at GitLab
Biren Shah is a Senior Database Reliability Engineer at GitLab. With 20+ years of experience in databases, his expertise lies in designing, deploying, administering, and managing data-intensive applications that enable organizations to analyze and process large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
Biren Shah has presented the following presentations

How we execute PostgreSQL major upgrades at GitLab, with zero downtime.
presented by Biren Shah
Upgrading your highly available, high-load PostgreSQL databases can be a challenge on its own. When having customers around the globe with tight SLAs, the requirement arises to execute these upgrades with minimal or even without any downtime.
This talk walks through how we at GitLab evolved from multi-hour downtime windows to not causing any customer-facing interference at all.
Wed 17 2024 Ops