Brian Hodge
Senior Data Engineer at Movable Ink
Brian Hodge is a Data Engineer with a background in relational databases, distributed data systems, and machine learning.
Brian Hodge has presented the following presentations

presented by Brian Hodge
Whether we like it or not, the SQL language is here to stay. And there are lots of things to love about SQL! But it’s also undeniable that, as a language, it is often verbose, inexpressive, and difficult to maintain.
To address those issues, we write style guides, build linters, and conduct code reviews. Those approaches all focus on the end result, but this talk is about the process of de...
more Fri 21 2023 Dev
presented by Brian Hodge
Transaction isolation is a part of database development that I often found intimidating and inaccessible, and therefore avoided. The barrier to entry seemed too high, and the default configurations seemed “good enough”.
Often, that’s true! However, any database developer who cares about the correctness and performance of their code will eventually need to understand isolation levels, their t...
more Thu 20 2023 Ops