
Corey Huinker is a database programmer and consultant based in New York City. He specializes in database query optimization and ETLs.

He is the author of the PGXN modules Poor Mans Parallel Processing and range_partitioning.

His past hobbies have included improvisational theater and refereeing roller derby.

Corey Huinker has presented the following presentations

    Corey Huinker Ranges, Partitioning, and Limitations at PGConf US Mini: NYC 2017 [PgConf.US]

    presented by Corey Huinker

    Let's talk about range types, partitioning and its limitations including the great new Postgres v10 features.

    Corey Huinker ETL Confessions at PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]

    presented by Corey Huinker


    ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is the industry term for importing data from external sources into a database. However, more often the pattern is ELT - Extract, Load, Transform. This talk covers methods of loading external data into PostgreSQL and reshaping it to fit local needs. The talk addresses popular commercial tools, but focuses mostly on custom coding, specifically: *) Identifying bottle...


    Corey Huinker Ranges, Partitioning and Limitations at PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]

    presented by Corey Huinker

    Range types are one of the things that truly sets PostgreSQL apart from other databases, but they are underused, and the functionality around them is not complete. This talk will go into some of those limitations (lack of a text range type, some missing operators etc) which the extension range_type_functions attempts to bridge. It will also cover the issues of using ranges as a partitioning mec...


    Corey Huinker Poor Man's Parallel Processing at PGConf US 2015 [PgConf.US]

    presented by Corey Huinker

    Currently Postgres does not support transparent parallel query. Some third party tools implement parallel on a limited basis through proxies and sharding, but they also require building the entire database around that proxy. This talk will go into how one person (ab)used several features of Postgres and its extensions to achieve limited query parallezation on an existing database. Areas covered...


    Corey Huinker Multi-level Partitioning in PostgreSQL at PGConf NYC 2014 [PgConf.US]

    presented by Corey Huinker

    Many RDBMS products offer table partitioning to some limited degree. The number of layers of partitions may be limited to one or two columns, and there may be limited options for partitioning strategy in the second layer (i.e. hash only). PostgreSQL's roll-your-own partitioning creates considerable work for the programmer, but also allows for flexibility in that strategy: asymmetrical partition...


    Corey Huinker A Roadmap to Continuous Materialized Views at PostgresConf US 2018
    The benefits of continuously updated materialized views and the challenges for in implementing them

    presented by Corey Huinker

    Materialized Views are an important tool for capturing complex query information in a way that can save time for subsequent queries. However, materialized views have important limitations in terms of maintenance and updatability. This presentation shows current workarounds for those issues and presents a path forward toward implementing continuously updating materialized views in native postgre...


    Fri 20 2018 Postgres Internals