Gwen Shapira
Founder at Nile Platform Inc
Gwen is a co-founder of Nile (thenile.dev) where she and her team are building Serverless Postgres for SaaS. She has 20+ years of experience working with code and customers to build reliable and scalable data architectures - most recently as the head of Cloud Native Kafka engineering org at Confluent. Gwen is a committer to Apache Kafka, author of “Kafka - the Definitive Guide” and "Hadoop Application Architectures". You can find her speaking at tech conferences or talking data at the SaaS Developer Community.
Gwen Shapira has presented the following presentations

Understand transaction isolation levels once and for all with many examples and a bit of history
presented by Gwen Shapira
Transactions are a key part to many modern databases, relational and non-relational systems alike. At a basic level, transactions allow us to treat a series of operations as a single unit. The reason transactions are so important is because they provide guarantees that developers can then use as assumptions when writing code. This means that there are entire set of concerns that you, the develo...
more Fri 19 2024 Essentials
Modifying database schema may sound easy, but is it really?. Lets talk about cases where modifying schemas is more than a simple DDL
presented by Gwen Shapira
Schema evolution, also known as “schema migrations” is a core part of application development and is considered one of the riskiest - with the potential to bring down entire production systems with one innocent mistake.
Schema evolution becomes especially tricky for SaaS, where the same application serves a large number of tenants. Regardless of whether the tenants share the same Postgres d...
more Wed 17 2024 Dev