Michael Potter
CTO at Replatform Tech
Michael Potter is a long time open source advocate. Often presenting his "Seat Belts and Airbags for bash" presentation. Michael's team has written a system for migrating IBM Mainframe applications to Linux/Postgres.
Michael Potter has presented the following presentations

Moving IBM COBOL/VSAM applications from the mainframe to Linux/Postgres without changing code
presented by Michael Potter
We will demonstrate a IBM COBOL/CICS/VSAM application running on Linux/Postgres and do a detailed discussion on how VSAM is mapped to Postgres tables. We will also discuss how this is done without changing the COBOL source code.
[Speaker Notes: We could just do the demo and make this a 20 minute presentation. It is not likely that your normal attendees will be interested in this presentati...
more Thu 20 2023 Data