Michał Gutkowski
Expert software engineer at TomTom
Michał Gutkowski
10+ years of experience with Java and RMDS systems. Not really a DBA, but a software engineer with responsibility of delivering high quality software that solves problems.
Michał Gutkowski has presented the following presentations

presented by Michał Gutkowski
Co-speaker Rafał Hawrylak. In this talk, we will present how we, at TomTom, created a large scale application based on PostgreSQL. What changes when traffic grows from MBs to GBs per day, environment from 1 server to several powerful machines and volume of data to 30TB? We want to share how PostGIS enabled us to create a geospatial platform. How we achieved high read scalability and allow datab...
more Use Cases

presented by Michał Gutkowski and Rafał Hawrylak
Co-speaker Rafał Hawrylak.
Everyone working with business critical PostgreSQL deployment, understands how important it is to set up proper monitoring. Basic checks that will say "my db works ok!" are essential and in DevOps projects everyone should know them.
However, it is also required to have insights into database performance based on values from PostgreSQL system catalog views.