
A background in film and music unexpectedly became a life-long passion for writing programs that delight users and live forever in the open-source.

Today, I'm the Founding Engineer at ParadeDB, where I build pg_search, a full-text search engine for Postgres.

Neil Hansen has presented the following presentations

    Neil Hansen Don't Stop Retrievin': Building lightning-fast search in Postgres at Seattle 2024

    presented by Neil Hansen


    In this talk, we'll explore the incredible extensibility of PostgreSQL by demonstrating how ParadeDB built advanced full-text search capabilities into the database. Using pg_search, our open-source Postgres extension, we'll showcase a real-world application: a blazingly fast search interface for MusicBrainz, the open encyclopedia of music.

    Key points we'll cover:

    1. The challenges of im...

    Wed 6 2024 Dev