Paul Singman
Platform Engineer at Equinox
Paul Singman is a platform engineer at Equinox, contributing to various projects related to ETL, Warehousing, API Development, Web Scraping, and DevOps. His primary tools of choice include Python, SQL, and AWS services to transform data from goulash to something structured and useful. While working he can often be found drinking tea from a large mug and listening to Lana Del Rey.
Paul Singman has presented the following presentations

Data-science at Equinox, a luxury fitness club
presented by Will Liu, elliott cordo, and Paul Singman
Quick overview of Redshift and its Postgres heritage, similarities like SQL interface and differences like storage and scalability.
How we use Redshift as a data warehouse solution at Equinox to analyze data and provide insight.
Some strengths and short-comings of Redshift when it comes to data consumption and how we use Postgres to compensate, specifically with the dblink extension, to b...
more Thu 21 2019 Data