Pilar de Teodoro
Database expert/Database Administrator at European Space Agency
Pilar de Teodoro is physicist and a database expert/database administrator working for the European Space Agency Science Data Centre, located in Madrid, Spain. She has been more that 10 years working at ESA using different database systems. Before that, she was Oracle consultant in Oracle.
Pilar de Teodoro has presented the following presentations
and some comparisons with PostgresXL and Citusdata
presented by Pilar de Teodoro
When there is no option to continue scaling up resources, there is a need for scaling out. At the ESA science data center (ESDC) we envisage a growth of the archive data stored in our databases of about 50TB in 2 years. The current technology used, which is vanilla PostgreSQL will not be enough. In order to fulfill the user requirements for the different missions with such big amounts of data,...
more Tue 19 2019 Greenplum Summitpresented by Pilar de Teodoro
When working with databases larger than 10TB that will be heavily read, it is necessary to find different options to improve efficiency, performance and maintainability. In the archives of the European Space Agency, where PostgreSQL is widely used, we have investigated different distributed flavours being postgres-XL the solution that so far is meeting our requirements better. The results of th...
more Thu 19 2018 Use Cases