Shivram Mani is a long term distributed systems enthusiast and a contributor to open source projects including greenplum and apache hawq. He holds a Masters in Computer Science and over his 5 years in Yahoo, has lead engineering efforts in the search engine teams and was among the first ever users of hadoop based data grids for search analytics. As a principal engineer in Pivotal he has shepherded various projects related to Greenplum’s integration with the hadoop, spark and external ecosystem.
Shivram Mani has presented the following presentations

presented by Shivram Mani and Francisco Guerrero
Traditional data warehouses are deployed with dedicated on-premise compute and storage. As a result, compute and storage must be scaled together and clusters must be persistently turned on in order to provide data availability at all times. In the cloud, compute and storage can be decoupled by taking advantage of the ability to request on-demand infrastructure. Greenplum in Kubernetes brings th...
more Tue 19 2019 Greenplum Summit