
I'm an experienced oracle DBA since 2004, starting 9i ~ 12c.

Starting as PostgreSQL DBA since 2010: - create a small module to communicate to core banking system (plpgsql + php) - Manage own replication from oracle to PostgreSQL - Manage database maintenance (280+ databases) - Manage multimaster replication (BDR) - consolidation from 280+ database/servers into single server - Troubleshoot performance problem for ETL processes - Benchmark Postgresql BDR to choose the better linux kernel for mutex overhead issues

Ujang Jaenudin has presented the following presentations

    Ujang Jaenudin Database Migration from Oracle Exadata to PostgreSQL at CHINA 2020 And PGConf.Asia 2020
    Tune converted pl/pgsql core Function

    presented by Ujang Jaenudin

    Migrate Database from Exadata X7 1/8 2 Nodes RAC to PostgreSQL 12.4:

    Critical OLTP System Peak Transaction around 400 TPS System accessed from million of Mobile devices Critical part: Searching available seats on the route

    Current workload most likely 80% READ, 20% WRITE PostgresQL able to scale well for READS We plan to have some slaves (Synchronous SR) HA-proxy in front of them

    Thu 19 2020 Migrations