Life without ORM: is it possible and how we can get there
Presented by:

Henrietta Dombrovskaya
``` Henrietta Dombrovskaya is a database researcher and developer with over 35 years of academic and industrial experience. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Saint Petersburg, Russia. At present she is
- A Senior Cloud Consultant at Enterprise DB
- Local Organizer of the Chicago PostgreSQL User Group
- Active community member, a frequent speaker at the PostgreSQL Conferences
- A researcher focused on developing efficient interactions between applications and databases; publications include Proceedings of EDBT 2014 Athens, ICDE 2016 in Helsinki, and SOFSEM 2020 Limassol
- A winner of the “Technologist of the Year” 2019 award of the Illinois Technology Association
- An author of PostgreSQL Query Optimization book ```

Alvaro Hernandez
Álvaro is a passionate database and software developer. Founder of OnGres ("ON postGRES"), he has been dedicated to Postgres and R&D in databases for more than two decades.
Álvaro is at heart an open source advocate and developer. He has created software like StackGres, a Platform for running Postgres on Kubernetes; or ToroDB (MongoDB on top of Postgres), both open source projects.
As a well- known member of the PostgreSQL Community, Álvaro founded the non-profit Fundación PostgreSQL (organizer of PostgreSQL Ibiza conference) and the Spanish PostgreSQL User Group. He has contributed, among others, the SCRAM authentication library to the Postgres JDBC driver.
You can find him frequently speaking at PostgreSQL, database, Java and cloud (becoming an AWS Data Hero in 2019) conferences. In the last 10 years, Álvaro has completed more than 140 tech talks (

Alexander Ioffe
With the right toolset, an impossible problem can become solvable, and with the right abstraction, the inscrutable comes within reach. Examples of these things are Calculus, Polar Coordinates, and the Rosetta Stone. Programming languages are a human construct made to solve a particular problem, but their true power comes from their faithfulness to higher mathematics.
I love SQL because it gives me the power to talk to virtually any datastore and I love Objects because they give me the ability to reason about any discrete thing. However, it is only within the union of Functional Programming, that both of them can live together in harmony; the promises of category theory ensure it.
This is exemplified by the Quill framework of which I am a maintainer, and that I have used to build traditional database applications, as well as formidable ETL and Big-Data pipelines for the Financial Sector.

dharshan rangegowda

Boris Novikov
Boris Novikov is currently a professor, the Department of Informatics at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersbirg. He graduated from Leningrad University (school of mathematics and mechanics) worked for Saint Petersburg university for several years and moved to the current position in Jan. 2019. Research interests are in a broad area of information management and include several aspects of design, development and tuning databases, applications, and database management systems, as well as distributed scalable systems for stream processing and analytics.

Jeremy Smith
I am an Applications Developer at the Macaulay Library, part of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This library houses the world’s premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs. I work on databases and APIs for storing metadata about and searching through our collection. I have been an avid user of PostgreSQL for the past 12 years, attempting to straddle the line between database administrator and backend developer.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
There is no protection against bad queries. If a query is poorly written, it's execution can't be improved with any indexes, fast access path or other database advancements. What is the most common source of poorly written queries? Most of the time they do not come from humans; they are generated by applications that use ORMs to communicate with databases. What can we do to prevent it from happening? Is there any alternative? A number of researches and developers are already working on that problem. Let's come together and discuss our progress and challenges.
- Date:
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Conference:
- Postgres Conference 2020
- Language:
- Track:
- Development
- Difficulty:
- Medium