Boris Novikov
Professor at National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Boris Novikov is currently a professor, the Department of Informatics at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersbirg. He graduated from Leningrad University (school of mathematics and mechanics) worked for Saint Petersburg university for several years and moved to the current position in Jan. 2019. Research interests are in a broad area of information management and include several aspects of design, development and tuning databases, applications, and database management systems, as well as distributed scalable systems for stream processing and analytics.
Boris Novikov has presented the following presentations

presented by Henrietta Dombrovskaya, Alvaro Hernandez, Alexander Ioffe, dharshan rangegowda, Boris Novikov, and Jeremy Smith
There is no protection against bad queries. If a query is poorly written, it's execution can't be improved with any indexes, fast access path or other database advancements. What is the most common source of poorly written queries? Most of the time they do not come from humans; they are generated by applications that use ORMs to communicate with databases. What can we do to prevent it from happ...
more Development

Think like a database
presented by Henrietta Dombrovskaya and Boris Novikov
Abstract: Is it possible to teach somebody to optimize? Or is optimization a sort of magic, available only for the limited circle of wizards? We believe that it is entirely possible to become an optimization wizard, and we are going to prove it in the course of this training. We will provide the participants with the opportunity to look at the process of query writing “as a database engine”, a...
more Development