CEO of DBeaver Corp. PostgreSQL is one of the most popular database among DBeaver users. We are glad to be a part of Postgres community.
Tatiana Krupenya has presented the following presentations

Main challenges for data comparing in tables in Postgres and other databases.
presented by Tatiana Krupenya
What is the difference between your stable production and test databases? Data.
When your system is active, data changes very quickly. You have made a backup up, and the next hour, it won't match with the database anymore. You migrated the data from your old database to a new one, but while you are finalizing all processes, data stops being synchronized. Of course, you can compare the data ...
more Wed 17 2024 Ops
Answers to the most popular questions about AI for database querying.
presented by Tatiana Krupenya
AI is one of the most popular topics these days. With this technology, you can write texts, draw pictures, and create music. And, of course, you can write queries to your database with ChatGPT-3.
Recently, we integrated this technology with DBeaver. The feature got good feedback from the open-source community and enterprises. We will be glad to answer the most frequent questions that we obt...
more Fri 21 2023 Data

presented by Tatiana Krupenya and Sergei Rider
The number of PostgeSQL forks keeps growing. Some of them are really ancient, while others are relatively new.
Redshift, Greenplum, Cockroach, Timescale, RDS, Vertica, you name it. All modern clouds have their own forks of traditional PostgreSQL.
But are these databases our familiar PostgreSQL, or something absolutely different?
DBeaver supports all the main PostgreSQL forks, and we c...
more Wed 27 2021 Dev
presented by Tatiana Krupenya
The number of PostgeSQL forks keeps growing. Some of them are really ancient, while others are relatively new.
Redshift, Greenplum, Cockroach, Timescale, RDS, Vertica, you name it. All modern clouds have their own forks of traditional PostgreSQL.
But are these databases our familiar PostgreSQL, or something absolutely different?
DBeaver supports all the main PostgreSQL forks, and we c...
more Data

Connect to your secured data easily.
presented by Tatiana Krupenya and Serge Rider
Sometimes it maybe a very tricky just to establish a connection with your remote database. Especially if your working place is in highly secured corporate environment and your database server is in highly secured remote cloud.
We will talk about bypassing SSH, SSL, jump servers, proxy servers, VPNs and various SSO (Kerberos/SSPI/LDAP/Active Directory) authentication systems in order to acces...
more Ops and Administration