
Ben Collins is Project Lead for FoundationDB. Ben was an early committer on the project and has worked on core features, testing, and bindings. He currently manages the FoundationDB team at Apple, which both develops on the FoundationDB KV Store and operates it as a service for internal customers. Ben, along with other key people, guides the FoundationDB Open Source Community.

Ben Collins has presented the following presentations

    Ben Collins FoundationDB: Building a next-generation distributed database storage engine at Postgres Conference
    Introduction to the core architecture of FoundationDB

    presented by Ben Collins

    The FoundationDB Key Value store exposes an API with a strong resemblance to a B-Tree storage engine. This API is similar to internal APIs used in most RDBMSs, the API has concepts such as global versions and allows for MVCC operations. The design goal this this API was to mimic such a storage engine API such that it could be a state storage layer that would allow for the development of full da...


    Thu 21 2019 Development