Chris A. Pieterse @@die_antonie
Software Developer at GoodX Software
Full Stack Developer / Software Gardner at GoodX Software
Current :
Linux environment, with PSQL, Python, JavaScript, HTML5 technology stack.
- PostgreSQL 9.6 powered persistence layer
- CherryPy powered application layer
- Knockout.JS powered presentation layer
New feature development and innovation in Medical business software with online services(bookings; quotations; claims-processing).
Past :
Microsoft Enterprise environment, with MsSql, C#, JavaScript, HTML 5 technology stack.
- SqlServer powered persistence layer
- ASP.Net 4.5 powered application layer
- MVC 4 powered presentation layer
- Angular 1.6 powered presentation layer
Client based Lead Analyst Developer, automating internal financial systems, designing and implementing web-based workflow management systems.
Chris A. Pieterse has presented the following presentations
Getting more value from your data
presented by Chris A. Pieterse
Event stores enable us to perceive other 'dimensions’ of data. Object oriented datastores run the risk of losing valuable state transition information. The CQRS design pattern distinguishes between mutable commands and immutable queries, allowing different data stores to be used by the systems respective responsibilities. Event stores work perfectly for persisting command - and resulting event ...
more Tue 8 2019 Case Studies