
Frank McQuillan is Director of Product Management at Pivotal, focusing on analytics and machine learning for large data sets. Prior to Pivotal, Frank has worked on projects in the areas of robotics, drones, flight simulation, and advertising technology. He holds a Masters degree from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Waterloo, both in Mechanical Engineering.

Frank McQuillan has presented the following presentations

    Frank McQuillan Sridhar  Paladugu AI on Greenplum Using Apache MADlib and MADlib Flow at Postgres Conference

    presented by Frank McQuillan and Sridhar Paladugu

    Advanced analytics and machine learning are rapidly growing in importance in enterprise computing. Key enterprise data typically resides in relational form, and it is inefficient to copy data between systems to perform analytical operations.

    In addition to leveraging the rich set of Postgres analytics like window functions, Greenplum offers machine learning, graph analytics, statistics, an...


    Tue 19 2019 Greenplum Summit
    Bharath Sitaraman Frank McQuillan Machine Learning, Graph, Text and Geospatial on Postgres and Greenplum at PostgresConf US 2018

    presented by Bharath Sitaraman and Frank McQuillan

    Advanced analytics and machine learning are rapidly growing in importance in enterprise computing. Key enterprise data typically resides in relational and document form, and it is inefficient to copy data between systems to perform different types of analytical operations.

    In addition to leveraging the rich set of Postgres capabilities like window functions, Greenplum offers machine learning...


    Thu 19 2018 Greenplum Summit