
Hector Perez has presented the following presentations

    Hector Perez PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB and Apache Camel for building the time series of a satellite data archive at Postgres Conference 2020

    presented by Hector Perez

    This talk will address the research performed to display through time series the data measured by the in-situ instruments on-board the European Space Agency spacecraft Solar Orbiter. Apache Camel is used to ingest hundreds of millions of time series values in a PostgreSQL 11.5 database, with the help of the TimescaleDB extension for managing the partitions. We will present various analysis per...


    Case Studies
    Hector Perez David Kohn Time-series for the European Space Agency Solar Orbiter Archive with TimescaleDB at PostgresConf US 2018

    presented by Hector Perez and David Kohn

    The European Space Agency Solar Orbiter mission's objective is to perform close-up, high-resolution studies of our Sun and inner heliosphere, through a combination of in-situ and remote-sensing instruments. The products obtained will be stored within the Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR). All the in-situ measurements have the form of time series products which will hold hundreds of millions values. ...


    Use Cases