
Lead Data Scientist at Purdue University, Ian oversees all data science efforts in the University administration. His team uses greenplum and postgres to solve a variety of problems the university faces, from what grades students get in their classes to how students navigate their curricula to whether or not they will even show up on campus. Prior to Purdue he worked as a Market Research Analyst building marketing mix models for a wide variety of clients.

Ian Pytlarz has presented the following presentations

    Ian Pytlarz Protect Purdue: Data Driven University Operations in a Pandemic at Silicon Valley 2022
    Using Greenplum and Postgres to deliver in-person instruction during COVID

    presented by Ian Pytlarz

    The COVID Pandemic was an unprecedented challenge for universities across the world. How could operations continue in person without unacceptable risk of life and illness? Purdue decided to pursue methods of safe in-person education shortly after lockdowns began in March. The ability to open safely was achieved in large part through data-driven decision making. Executives and the medical team r...


    Thu 7 2022 Data
    Ian Pytlarz Building Models Quickly at Postgres Conference
    Addressing Housing Overflow at Purdue

    presented by Ian Pytlarz

    With enrollment growing more quickly than our ability to house students, temporary housing was set to grow. In order to reduce the need for this sub-optimal housing, Purdue set about modelling housing contract follow-through to catch students that had no intention to show up on campus and give their housing slots to people in temporary housing, all before any students arrived on campus.

    Tue 19 2019 Greenplum Summit