Jan Wieck
Principal Software Engineer at pgEdge.com
Jan Wieck is a former member of the PostgreSQL core team.
He designed and implemented Slony, overhauled the query rewrite rule system, wrote the procedural languages PL/pgSQL and PL/Tcl, added foreign keys, bgwriter, the statistics collector, the TOAST system and other features.
Jan Wieck has presented the following presentations

A detailed look at the problems sequences pose in replication and how to overcome them.
presented by Jan Wieck
Sequences and serial columns have been a problem when it comes to logical database replication since the days of Slony-I. In this talk we take a look at different ways to avoid replicating sequences in the first place and how Snowflake IDs can help solve the problem, especially as we move to multi-master systems.
Wed 17 2024 Ops
Multi-Active Logical Replication for PostgreSQL
presented by Jan Wieck
Full support of multi-active logical replication in pgLogical has gone unsupported for many years. In this talk we will discuss the work we have done to bring back multi-active replication in a new derivative of pgLogical we call Spock. Spock is available as an open source PostgreSQL extension under a community open source license.
High performance web applications increasingly need present...
more Thu 20 2023 Data
presented by Jan Wieck
The new PL profiler allows you to easily get through the dark barrier, PL/pgSQL puts between tools like pgbadger and the queries, you are looking for. Query and schema tuning is tough enough by itself. But queries, buried many call levels deep in PL/pgSQL functions, make it torture. The reason is that the default monitoring tools like logs, pg_stat_activity and pg_stat_statements cannot penetra...
more Development

presented by David Rader, Scott Mead, Jan Wieck, and Denis Lussier
Join the OpenSCG team for a hands on look on how to migrate an application from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

An in depth look into how your IO capacity is used
presented by Jan Wieck
Like any database, PostgreSQL is very dependent on the system's IO. In many situation's a poor performing database is directly related to how PostgreSQL is reading or writing to the disk and using memory. A key factor in improving performance is understanding how PostgreSQL is interacting with these resources.
In this talk I will discuss the interactions between shared buffers, OS buffers, ...
more Wed 18 2018 Postgres Internals