Mr at Equnix Business Solutions, PT
A Computer geeks, antivirus developer (was), Science enthusiasts. Yes, I respect him very much, a truly polymath in person; one in a billion, perhaps. An Open Source early adopter in Indonesia, C/C++ Developer, Full-stack Software Solution Architect. Believe in Open Source; Combining Open Source spirit and Customer oriented business. Run IT Solution business as an alternative solution for Enterprises in adopting Solution based on Open Source. That is a long time passion in my life, giving contribution to our society especially to our country and region. We are determined to develop independence IT solution to avoid vendor lock in and vendor dependencies. Electrical Engineer graduates, high compassionate in helping peoples, because helping others is helping ourselves, we are one. To be happy is to share.
Julyanto SUTANDANG has presented the following presentations

Certification is a key component to build a great Business Ecosystem for PostgreSQL. With great business ecosystem, PostgreSQL will penetrate deeper.
presented by Julyanto SUTANDANG
PostgreSQL has gain great traction in business world, it is becoming a new standard in Financial Institution and Telecommunication Industry. It is a great appreciation from public especially business users, to acknowledge and trust PostgreSQL as part of their day to day mission critical business operation. While there are a great demand, but we lack of some key factor ...
more Thu 19 2020 Everything about Postgres