Kohei KaiGai @kkaigai
Chief Architect & CEO at HeteroDB
KaiGai Kohei has been a contributor of PostgreSQL and Linux kernel over 15 years, especially, at the area of security, database-federation (FDW), extensible executor and so on. Also, he hes developed PG-Strom; an extension module for GPU-accelerated PostgreSQL since 2012. It enables to process large scale data with a simple single node PostgreSQL using GPU, NVME or RoCE networks.
He founded HeteroDB,Inc at 2017 to focus on the development and productization of the PG-Strom technology.
Kohei KaiGai has presented the following presentations
presented by Kohei KaiGai
Nowadays, GPU is not only for computing intensive workloads, but for I/O intensive big-data workloads also.
This talk introduces how SSD-to-GPU Direct SQL, implemented as extension of PostgreSQL, optimizes data flow from storages to processors over PCIe-bus for efficient execution of analytic/reporting workloads.
Combination of this technology with comprehensive database features (e.g, co...
more Tue 6 2020 Dataunleash the maximum capability of GPU & NVME
presented by Kohei KaiGai
Nowadays, GPU is not only for computing intensive workloads, but for I/O intensive big-data workloads also.
This talk introduces how SSD-to-GPU Direct SQL, implemented as extension of PostgreSQL, optimizes data flow from storages to processors over PCIe-bus for efficient execution of analytic/reporting workloads.
Combination of this technology with comprehensive database features (e.g, co...
more Data Science