
Liz is a software engineer, diversity advocate, and fan of colourful ponies. She works at VMware née Heptio on Kubernetes and has previously spoken at Kubecon, DevOpsDays Boston and AlterConf Portland. She lives in New York City with her chosen family and extremely fluffy dog. You can find her on Twitter at @stillinbeta for selfies and dog pictures.

Liz Frost has presented the following presentations

    Liz Frost You Got Kubernetes In My Postgres! at Postgres Conference
    Controlling Kubernetes from psql

    presented by Liz Frost

    My day job is as a Kubernetes project contributor, and Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers have always held a special place in my heart. Combining them is only natural.

    Kubernetes uses etcd as its data store, but it maps very well onto Postgres. All APIs follow a very uniform schema that makes programmatically mapping objects to tables easy. The user experience I settled on makes it easy to pres...


    Thu 21 2019 Development