Scaling Beyond PgBouncer & Pgpool-II: Advanced Traffic Management
Presented by:

Lee Roland
Roland Lee's background is in application networking. He has been a developer and product manager in startups and large companies. All through his career, his industry focus has been to increase the performance of Internet user data. He is currently Head of Products for Heimdall Data, an off-the-shelf data access layer for applications accessing SQL databases.
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Database proxies manage connections to improve performance and scale. In this session, we will highlight deficiencies of open-source Pg-bouncer and Pg-Pool-II that users should know, and propose solutions. Features to be discussed include:
- Connection pooling
- Read/write split with Strong Consistency
- Query caching
- Persisted connection, automated Postgres failover
- Active Directory / LDAP integration
Includes live demo and Q&A
- Date:
- 2022 April 7 14:00 PDT
- Duration:
- 20 min
- Room:
- Winchester
- Conference:
- Silicon Valley 2022
- Language:
- Track:
- Ops
- Difficulty:
- Easy