Silicon Valley 2022
Postgres Conference Silicon Valley is back and still the largest gathering about People, Postgres, Data on the West Coast! An inclusive and equitable event we bring together a best-in-talent combination of speakers, attendees, and sponsors to build opportunities for the global Postgres ecosystem.
Some of our speakers
Conference Highlights
Digital Rights and Privacy: Concerns for the 21st century
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been protecting and fighting for our civil liberties for over 30 years. In those 30 years a lot has happened: Our relationship to the internet has fundamentally changed, and yet, in many ways, our understanding of how it works has remained stagnant. 30 years ago, the Internet was a mystical place of wizardry with many unknowns, and a realm which was difficult to access. Today it’s a core part of our life that we have become reliant on, and while it...
Past, Present, and Future of Logical Replication
In this talk, I will tell how the Logical Replication has been evolved over years in PostgreSQL. This will explain some of the major recent enhancements like facilitating logical replication of two-phase and large in-progress transactions. I will share my views on how this technology can be leveraged to build a highly scalable and available database solution for large Enterprises. After that, I will also talk about some of the important enhancements being discussed in this technology area...
P_______SQL: Engine behind a de-identified medical data platform
Receiving, de-identifying and processing medical data pose many challenges in the real-world. Non-uniformity, multitude of formats, lack of structure and a volume of data create unique problems in data storying, querying and management. Careful separation of sensitive data is required at all times, and retaining this separation ends with some interesting design problems. In this talk we present a path we took at Segmed to build a highly scalable, ML-enabled de-identified data warehouse, where...
There are many users who need to migrate their applications from Oracle to the open source Postgres, but in order to support the new database, users often need to re-develop the application, which is inconvenient. If there is a database based on Postgres and compatible with most Oracle syntax and functions, it will be too convenient for customers. However, the official Postgres project will not accept this kind of code submission. After all, Postgres is Postgres, and Oracle is Oracle. So,...
5 Tips for Building Scalable Application with ORM and Amazon RDS PostgreSQL
Are you building a data driven application? Are you using Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)? Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL makes it fast and simple for you to get started with familiar database engines and ORM. As your business grows, you need a cloud solution that scales with you. In this talk, learn about tips to optimize ORM and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. Discover how to build a database with the flexibility to adjust, use, and break down other purpose-built databases as your business scales.
Non-Relational Postgres
Postgres has always had strong support for relational storage. However, there are many cases where relational storage is either inefficient or overly restrictive. This talk shows the many ways that Postgres has expanded to support non-relational storage, specifically the ability to store and index multiple values, even unrelated ones, in a single database field. Such storage allows for greater efficiency and access simplicity, and can also avoid the negatives of entity-attribute-value (eav)...
Using Global database in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
An Amazon Aurora Global database is designed for globally distributed applications, allowing a single Amazon Aurora database to span multiple AWS Regions. It replicates your data with no impact on database performance, enables fast local reads with low latency in each Region, and provides disaster recovery (DR) from Region-wide outages. In this session, learn how to plan for cross-Region DR and easily scale Aurora reads across the world to place your applications close to your users. You also...
Amazon Babelfish for Aurora
Now the Babelfish for Aurora is available. This presentation is about how Babelfish helps customers to migrate SQL Server workloads to Postgres. In this presentation, we are going to give a demo of what is Babelfish , the internals of Aurora ,Aurora for SQL Server DBAs using Babelfish, and Labs on Application Migration.
SV2022 has the most awesome program ever! See rock-star speakers cover the topics of
Past, Present, and Future of Logical Replication by Amit Kapila
EdgeDB - A graph-relational database by Yury Selivanov
When it all GOes right by Pavlo Golub
PL/Java - Extend the power of your database by Charly Batista
Non-Relational Postgres by Bruce Momjian
Tune PostgreSQL for Read/Write Scalability. by Ibrar Ahmed
Simplifying System Architecture by Rethinking the Role of the Database by David Benoit
How Users Will Dictate and Change the Next 20 Years of PostgreSQL by Matt Yonkovit
Introducing SPQR: Stateless Postgres Query Router by Andrey Borodin
Beyond Off-the-Shelf Consensus by Rebecca Bilbro
A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing by Ibrar Ahmed
Common DB Schema Change Mistakes by Nikolay Samokhvalov
Fireside chat: Building Postgres w/Bruce Momjian & Greg Kemnitz by Bruce Momjian
Managing growth and career development for software companies by Chad Berkley
Solving PostgreSQL wicked problems by Alexander Korotkov
Google Journey: Bringing a PostgreSQL Interface to Cloud Spanner by Ben Vandiver
How to navigate the “interval” minefield by Bryn Llewellyn
Scaling Beyond PgBouncer & Pgpool-II: Advanced Traffic Management by Lee Roland
Are databases on cloud DBaaS platforms really faster and cheaper as they are claimed ? by Avinash Vallarapu
Professional PostgreSQL scheduling made easy by Pavlo Golub
PostgreSQL and Managed Hosting Services by Kirk Roybal
Babelfish for PostgreSQL by Debra Cerda
Do you vacuum everyday ? by Hannu Krosing
Scaling PostgreSQL to New Heights by Ivan Novick
Future Postgres Challenges by Bruce Momjian
Postgres: Through the lens of Cloud Platform by Nitish Korla
P_______SQL: Engine behind a de-identified medical data platform by Wojciech Koszek
TDE: State of Encryption in Postgres by Mehboob Alam
Protect Purdue: Data Driven University Operations in a Pandemic by Ian Pytlarz
How to measure query performance by Alvaro Hernandez
Digital Rights and Privacy: Concerns for the 21st century by Andres Arrieta
AWS Data Day
Using aws_ml/aws_comprehend in Aurora PostgreSQL by Sukhpreet Bedi
Managing extensions in RDS/Aurora by Chirag Dave
Developing Event Driven Serverless applications using RDS/Aurora PostgreSQL by Krishna Sarabu
Amazon Aurora Global Database Design Patterns for HA and DR by Shayon Sanyal
Using Global database in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL by Shayon Sanyal
Connection scalability for Enterprise Applications by Scott Mead
5 Tips for Building Scalable Application with ORM and Amazon RDS PostgreSQL by Wanda He
Amazon Babelfish for Aurora by chandra pathivada
Yugabyte Distributed SQL Summit
Driving 150K warehouses on TPC-C by Alexandra Elchinoff
The Biography of a Modern Cloud Native Application by Alexandra Elchinoff
The Scalable, Resilient Data Layer at the Heart of Modern Retail by Alexandra Elchinoff
Analyzing PostgreSQL Compatibility: Amazon Aurora, Spanner, YugabyteDB and CockroachDB by Alexandra Elchinoff
Demo Hour by Alexandra Elchinoff
Lessons Learned: Moving a PostgreSQL Application From On-Premise to a Cloud Native Architecture by Alexandra Elchinoff

San Jose Hilton
We’re in downtown San Jose, directly connected to the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Light rail links and The Tech Interactive are a short walk from our door. San Jose International Airport is four miles away and we’re 13 minutes from Levi’s Stadium, home to the San Francisco 49ers. We have an Enterprise Rent-a-car, outdoor pool, and a fitness center.