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Beijing 2019

PostgresConf is the world's largest PostgreSQL conference series, and it is now in China. China PostgreSQL Branch and the PostgresConf organization in the United States, in 2019, has successfully held two major domestic PG ecological conferences - PostgreSQL Open officially entered the international PostgresConf conference sequence this year, and officially changed its name to PostgresConf.CHN. The conference was jointly organized by China OSS Promotion Union(COPU), China PostgreSQL Association, China PostgreSQL Community and PGCentral Foundation. The organization of PostgresConf CHN will further strengthen and strengthen the territory of the PostgresConf global series of conferences and promote the integration of Chinese PG forces into the global PG ecosystem.






Some of our speakers

Chen Jinbao


Senior Software Engineer
Untitled auto x2

Dr. Ibrar Ahmed


Principal Engineer

Muhammad Usama

High Go, Pgpool-II

Sr. DatabaseArchitect

Asif Rehman

HighGo Software

Sr. Sfotware Engineer

John Jeevakumar

Amazon Web Services - Global Delivery Practice - India.

Associate Consultant

Conference Highlights

Jul 03 Officer Representative

Speech by the officer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Officer representative speech from the government. Emphasize the importance of the Open-source Postgres

Jul 04 Oleg Bartunov


PostgreSQL is the first relational database which recognized the need of non-atomic data types to support developers of applications from science to Web. Jsonb in Postgres is the attractive feature for modern application developers, who want to work with json documents without sacrificing a strong consistency and ability to use all the power of proven relational technology. Finally, SQL world has recognized the NoSQL and released the new SQL-2016 standard, which includes specification of...

Jul 04 Dr. Ibrar Ahmed

A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing

Indexes are a basic feature of relational databases, and PostgreSQL offers a rich collection of options to developers and designers. To take advantage of these fully, users need to understand the basic concept of indexes, to be able to compare the different index types and how they apply to different application scenarios. Only then can you make an informed decision about your database index strategy and design. One thing is for sure: not all indexes are appropriate for all circumstances,...

Jul 04 Dr. Ibrar Ahmed

Tune your Linux Box, not just PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is one of the leading open-source databases. Out of the box, the default PostgreSQL configuration is not tuned for any particular workload. The default configuration is designed in such a way that PostgreSQL can run on any system using minimum resources. Consequently, a default installation of PostgreSQL does not give optimum performance on high-performance machine because it is set up to use all available resources. PostgreSQL provides mechanisms that allow you to tune your...

Jul 05 Chen Jinbao

Implementation of distributed aggregation in Greenplum

The presentation includes the principle of aggregation, the implementation of multi-stage aggregation on greenplum. And how greenplum implement grouping sets. This presentation will delve into how to implement efficient aggregation in a distributed environment, as well as implementations in the query optimizer and executor. The slides link:

Jul 05 Asif Rehman

All about PostgreSQL Replication

Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple databases that make up a distributed database system. There are various benefits of replication which makes it an important component of any enterprise level database deployment. The main drivers for replication are high availability, performance, load balancing and others. PostgreSQL offers quite a many replication options with each having its own pros and cons. In this talk I will try to...

Jul 05 Muhammad Usama and Ahsan Hadi

PostgreSQL HA with Pgpool-II and whats been happening in Pgpool-II lately....

Pgpool-II has been around to complement PostgreSQL over a decade and provides many features like connection pooling, failover, query caching, load balancing, and HA. High Availability (HA) is very critical to most enterprise application, the clients needs the ability to automatically reconnect with a secondary node when the master nodes goes down. This is where Pgpool-II watchdog feature comes in, the core feature of Pgpool-II provides HA by eliminating the SPOF is the Watchdog. This...

Jul 05 John Jeevakumar

Deep dive on SQL codes while migrating from enterprise databases to PostgreSQL

We have quite a lot of tools and services available in the market to migrate applications and databases from enterprise databases (like Oracle, SQLServer, Sybase, etc) to open-source databases. However, many a times, these tools do not do the complete code conversion compatible with the target open source. Manual intervention is necessary and the procedures and functions need to be reviewed line by line and rewritten to provide the same functionality. If database migration is done right,...

Denis Magda

PostgreSQL with In-Memory Computing: Faster Transactions and Analytics

Learn how to boost performance 10x and scale to over million transactions per second with in-memory computing. It will be shown how to add speed and scale to your PostgresQL-based applications, APIs and analytics for different use cases. We will discuss when each option makes sense, as well as how to evolve your architecture over time to add the speed, scale, agility and new technologies needed for digital transformation and other initiatives. By the end of this session, you will...


Beijing has the most awesome program ever! See rock-star speakers cover the topics of


Dialogue program by Grant Zhou

PostgreSQL Association Meeting by Jian Miao

Registration by PostgresConf Organizers

Speech by the officer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology by Officer Representative

PostgresConf Beijing Opening Ceremony by PostgresConf Organizers

Open Source Topic by Guangnan Ni

PG Annual Technology Awards Ceremony by PostgresConf Organizers

Lunch Break by PostgresConf Organizers

Alibaba Cloud & Database by Fei Fei Li

Postgres: The World's Database by Joshua D. Drake

Where to stay in Beijing

We recommend these accommodations for your visit.


Haidilao Hot Pot (ZiZhuQiao)

The restaurant is close to Shangri-La hotel.


One of the world’s most loved hot pot chains.

Hai Di Lao began in 1994 in Sichuan Province, in China. Their first U.S. location opened in 2013 in Los Angeles. They also have locations in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.

The name “haidilao” means “fortune,” and is a term used in the game of mahjong in Sichuan. You’ll also see the name written as simply Haidilao with no spaces; that’s the formal name of the restaurant’s operating company.

Offering a selection of boiling soup bases, such as tomato, spicy butter, and the traditional oil, Haidilao is a classic hot pot set up: You pick your soup and cook your proteins and veg at your table.

But Haidilao is really known for going the extra mile to keep customers happy. As in you can actually get a manicure while you’re waiting for your table. The business itself touts their sweet extras on their Yelp page for the forthcoming Richmond location: “Haidilao is known for their focus on customer service and for offering a variety of free services and entertainment for customers that include: board games, snacks, and manicures for waiting customers.”