Beijing 2019 Program

PostgresConf Organizers Registration
Registration at the reception

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Registration at the reception area. For July 3, it is invited only meeting. For July 4, attendees need to pick up his/her tickets at the reception.

13:10 - 13:40 Meeting Room 1 Main
Jian Miao PostgreSQL Association Meeting
PostgreSQL Association Meeting

presented by Jian Miao

The general talk about the PG association

14:00 - 14:10 Meeting Room 1 Main
Joshua Drake Awarding new members of the International Consultant Committee
PostgreSQL internal Meeting

presented by Joshua Drake

Introduce the new International Consultant Committee members

14:10 - 14:20 Meeting Room 1
PostgresConf Organizers International Consultant Committee Annual Meeting
International Consultant Committee Annual Meeting

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

That's the internal meeting of PostgreSQL Association, International Consultant Committee meeting.

14:20 - 15:40 Meeting Room 1 Main
PostgresConf Organizers China PostgreSQL Association Internal Meeting
The internal meeting of the association, except the international committee

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

15:40 - 17:00 Meeting Room 1 Main
PostgresConf Organizers PostgresConf Beijing Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Announce the opening of the conference

09:00 - 09:10 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Officer Representative Speech by the officer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Officer representative speech from the government

presented by Officer Representative

Officer representative speech from the government. Emphasize the importance of the Open-source Postgres

09:10 - 09:20 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Guangnan Ni Open Source Topic

presented by Guangnan Ni

Speech by Ni Guangnan, member of China Engineering Academy

09:20 - 09:40 Main JINGGE HALL Main
PostgresConf Organizers PG Annual Technology Awards Ceremony
PG Annual Technology Awards Ceremony

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

PG Annual Technology Awards Ceremony To award the PostgreSQL technology best practices in China

09:50 - 10:30 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Joshua D. Drake Postgres: The World's Database
Postgres: The World's Database

presented by Joshua D. Drake

The PostgreSQL industry, ecosystem etc

10:30 - 11:10 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Fei Fei Li Alibaba Cloud & Database
Alibaba Cloud and database topics, and its applications in China

presented by Fei Fei Li

The speech is provided by Dr. Fei Fei, Li. He will demonstrate the Alibaba Cloud and database, in addition, the applications in China

11:20 - 12:00 Main JINGGE HALL Main
PostgresConf Organizers Lunch Break
Lunch Break

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

The lunch break, 50 minutes

12:10 - 12:50 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Xiao Jun Zheng PostgreSQL Technology

presented by Xiao Jun Zheng

The topic will be update later

13:30 - 14:10 Main JINGGE HALL
Lei Jun Hu PostgreSQL in Inspur

presented by Lei Jun Hu

The topic is to be updated

14:10 - 14:50 Main JINGGE HALL Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
PostgresConf Organizers Coffee Break

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Coffee Break

14:50 - 15:10 Main JINGGE HALL
Shao Cong Xiao PostgreSQL User Group

presented by Shao Cong Xiao

Topic details to be updated later

15:10 - 15:50 Main JINGGE HALL
Yang Wang Database in Pingan

presented by Yang Wang

The topic is to be updated

15:50 - 16:30 Main JINGGE HALL
Wen Sheng Zhang Scalable PostgreSQL in Tantan

presented by Wen Sheng Zhang

The topic is to be updated

16:30 - 17:10 Main JINGGE HALL
Grant Zhou Joshua Drake Oleg Bartunov Xiao Jun Zheng Michael Meskes Dialogue program
Dialogue program

presented by Joshua Drake, Oleg Bartunov, Xiao Jun Zheng, Grant Zhou, and Michael Meskes

Traditional Dialogue Program

17:10 - 17:50 Main JINGGE HALL Main
PostgresConf Organizers Social Event
Meet with the community

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

The social event will be held in the Cafe area of the hotel from 18:30. Register before you could attend.

18:30 - 19:50 Main JINGGE HALL Main
Joshua Drake PostgreSQL v12: New feature and migration considerations
PostgreSQL 12 New Features

presented by Joshua Drake

PostgreSQL V12 is set to hit the streets in just a couple of months and is currently in Beta. Join with Joshua D. Drake (JD), the Founder of United States PostgreSQL and Co-Chair of Postgres Conference, the largest Postgres Conference series in the world on a fantastic journey of what makes PostgreSQL v12: Fully baked!

09:00 - 09:40 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Ning Zhen Li Open source software compliance discussion
Open source software compliance discussion

presented by Ning Zhen Li

Open source software compliance discussion

09:00 - 09:40 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
daming shao Kernel Analysis of PostgreSQL Parser

presented by daming shao

The kernel analysis of PG parser.

09:00 - 09:40 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Michael Meskes Open Source - The Next Step

presented by Michael Meskes

No single Open Source project can exist all by itself, all software tools run in an environment that consists of a lot of other software, most if not all of which again can be Open Source. Likewise there are Open Source projects whose goal it is to integrate different tools to create a full blown solution for users. The first such projects were Linux distributions, but the current way of d...


09:40 - 10:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Yong Hui Shi Time machine for backup on PG Cloud
Time machine for backup on PG Cloud

presented by Yong Hui Shi

Time machine for backup on PG Cloud

09:40 - 10:20 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Oleg Bartunov JSON PATH
a query language for json

presented by Oleg Bartunov

PostgreSQL is the first relational database which recognized the need of non-atomic data types to support developers of applications from science to Web. Jsonb in Postgres is the attractive feature for modern application developers, who want to work with json documents without sacrificing a strong consistency and ability to use all the power of proven relational technology.

Finally, SQL worl...


10:10 - 10:50 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Xian Wen Zhu Oracle migration to PostgreSQL case sharing
Oracle migration to PostgreSQL case sharing

presented by Xian Wen Zhu

Oracle migration to PostgreSQL case sharing

10:30 - 11:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Peng Wei Ma Financial Industry Distributed Database Test Observation
Financial Industry Distributed Database Test Observation

presented by Peng Wei Ma

Financial Industry Distributed Database Test Observation

10:30 - 11:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing

presented by Dr. Ibrar Ahmed

Indexes are a basic feature of relational databases, and PostgreSQL offers a rich collection of options to developers and designers. To take advantage of these fully, users need to understand the basic concept of indexes, to be able to compare the different index types and how they apply to different application scenarios. Only then can you make an informed decision about your database index s...


10:50 - 11:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Zhang Mei Li HugeGraph graph database technology and PostgreSQL as its storage
HugeGraph graph database technology and PostgreSQL as its storage

presented by Zhang Mei Li

HugeGraph graph database technology and PostgreSQL as its storage

11:10 - 11:50 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed Tune your Linux Box, not just PostgreSQL

presented by Dr. Ibrar Ahmed

PostgreSQL is one of the leading open-source databases. Out of the box, the default PostgreSQL configuration is not tuned for any particular workload. The default configuration is designed in such a way that PostgreSQL can run on any system using minimum resources. Consequently, a default installation of PostgreSQL does not give optimum performance on high-performance machine because it is set ...


11:20 - 12:00 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed Join Heterogeneous Databases using PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrappers

presented by Dr. Ibrar Ahmed

PostgreSQL provides a way to communicate with external data sources. This could be another PostgreSQL instance or any other database. The other database might be a relational database such as Clickhouse, MySQL or Oracle; or any NoSQL database such as MongoDB or Hadoop. To achieve this, PostgreSQL implements ISO Standard call SQL-MED in the form of Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). This presentation ...


11:50 - 12:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Ming Jun Jiang AsiaInfo AISWare AntDB enables enterprise digitization
AsiaInfo AISWare AntDB enables enterprise digitization

presented by Ming Jun Jiang

AsiaInfo AISWare AntDB enables enterprise digitization

13:30 - 14:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
Chen Jinbao Implementation of distributed aggregation in Greenplum
distribute aggregation

presented by Chen Jinbao

The presentation includes the principle of aggregation, the implementation of multi-stage aggregation on greenplum. And how greenplum implement grouping sets. This presentation will delve into how to implement efficient aggregation in a distributed environment, as well as implementations in the query optimizer and executor.

The slides link:


13:30 - 14:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Ahsan Hadi The future of Postgres Sharding
The future of Postgres Sharding

presented by Ahsan Hadi

The future of Postgres Sharding

13:40 - 14:20 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Peng Li Dancing with Elephants: Data Security Audit
Dancing with Elephants: Data Security Audit

presented by Peng Li

Dancing with Elephants: Data Security Audit

14:10 - 14:50 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
Yong Ming Wei PostgreSQL Application in IBM Cognitive Computing and Data Science Services
PostgreSQL Application in IBM Cognitive Computing and Data Science Services

presented by Yong Ming Wei

PostgreSQL Application in IBM Cognitive Computing and Data Science Services

14:10 - 14:50 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Asif Rehman All about PostgreSQL Replication
PostgreSQL Replication

presented by Asif Rehman

Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple databases that make up a distributed database system. There are various benefits of replication which makes it an important component of any enterprise level database deployment. The main drivers for replication are high availability, performance, load balancing and others.

PostgreSQL offers q...


14:20 - 15:00 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Muhammad Usama Ahsan Hadi PostgreSQL HA with Pgpool-II and whats been happening in Pgpool-II lately....
PostgreSQL HA

presented by Muhammad Usama and Ahsan Hadi

Pgpool-II has been around to complement PostgreSQL over a decade and provides many features like connection pooling, failover, query caching, load balancing, and HA. High Availability (HA) is very critical to most enterprise application, the clients needs the ability to automatically reconnect with a secondary node when the master nodes goes down.

This is where Pgpool-II watchdog feature c...


14:50 - 15:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Sheng Xi Zhang PG application practice in e-government industry
PG application practice in e-government industry

presented by Sheng Xi Zhang

PG application practice in e-government industry

14:50 - 15:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
Shao Jun Li GIS - PostgreSQL Applications in SuperMap System
GIS - PostgreSQL Applications in SuperMap System

presented by Shao Jun Li

GIS - PostgreSQL Applications in SuperMap System

14:50 - 15:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Yang Li Build Greenplum's low latency data pipeline
Build Greenplum's low latency data pipeline

presented by Yang Li

Build Greenplum's low latency data pipeline

15:40 - 16:20 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
John Jeevakumar Deep dive on SQL codes while migrating from enterprise databases to PostgreSQL

presented by John Jeevakumar

We have quite a lot of tools and services available in the market to migrate applications and databases from enterprise databases (like Oracle, SQLServer, Sybase, etc) to open-source databases. However, many a times, these tools do not do the complete code conversion compatible with the target open source. Manual intervention is necessary and the procedures and functions need to be reviewed lin...


15:40 - 16:20 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Xiu Tang Oracle Database and Application Migration pg Best Practices
Oracle Database and Application Migration pg Best Practices

presented by Xiu Tang

Oracle Database and Application Migration pg Best Practices

15:40 - 16:20 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Yun Jiang PostgreSQL execution plan exploration
PostgreSQL execution plan exploration

presented by Yun Jiang

PostgreSQL execution plan exploration

16:20 - 17:00 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
Insung Moon Masahiko Sawada Transparent data encryption in PostgreSQL and Integration with Key management service
Transparent data encryption in PostgreSQL and Integration with Key management service

presented by Insung Moon and Masahiko Sawada

Transparent data encryption in PostgreSQL and Integration with Key management service

16:30 - 17:10 JINGGE HALL TRACK1 - English Track English Speaker Track
Yi Lin POLARDB DBA Magic - Performance Insight
POLARDB DBA Magic - Performance Insight

presented by Yi Lin

POLARDB DBA Magic - Performance Insight

16:50 - 17:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial Ecological development of PG and PG Commercial
Yang Lu Application of Agricultural Insurance Big Data Technology Based on Postgis
Application of Agricultural Insurance Big Data Technology Based on Postgis

presented by Yang Lu

Application of Agricultural Insurance Big Data Technology Based on Postgis

17:00 - 17:40 JINGGE HALL TRACK 2 - PG Best Practices PostgreSQL Best Practices
PostgresConf Organizers Closing sessions
Closing sessions

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

The closing session starts from 18:00 in the main hall

18:00 - 18:30 JINGGE HALL TRACK 3 - Ecological development of PG and its commercial
Bo Wei Bin Tian PG High Availability Training
PG High Availability Training

presented by Bo Wei and Bin Tian

PG High Availability Training

Xian Wen Zhu PG Systematic Basic Training Day1
PG Systematic Basic Training Day1

presented by Xian Wen Zhu

PG Systematic Basic Training Day1

Zheng Zhong Zhou Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day1
Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day1

presented by Zheng Zhong Zhou

Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day1

Zheng Zhong Zhou Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day2
Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day2

presented by Zheng Zhong Zhou

Deep PostgreSQL 11 System Training Day2

Xian Wen Zhu PG Systematic Basic Training Day2
PG Systematic Basic Training Day2

presented by Xian Wen Zhu

PG Systematic Basic Training Day2

Unscheduled events
Denis Magda PostgreSQL with In-Memory Computing: Faster Transactions and Analytics

presented by Denis Magda

Learn how to boost performance 10x and scale to over million transactions per second with in-memory computing.

It will be shown how to add speed and scale to your PostgresQL-based applications, APIs and analytics for different use cases. We will discuss when each option makes sense, as well as how to evolve your architecture over time to add the speed, scale, agility and new technologies nee...


English Speaker Track